2010 - Book of Abstracts of EUCARPIA 2nd Conference of Organic and Low-Input Agriculture Section
available at ETH Zurich library: website link here
Book of Abstracts of EUCARPIA 2nd Conference of the "Organic and Low-Input Agriculture" Section, 1-3 December 2010, Paris
Scientific comittee
Dr. I Goldringer, INRA, UMR Génétique Végétale Le Moulon, France.
Dr. JC Dawson, INRA, UMR Génétique Végétale Le Moulon, France.
Dr. V Chable, INRA, SAD-Paysage, Rennes, France.
Prof. Dr. E Lammerts van Bueren, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, chair of EUCARPIA Section Organic & Low-input Agriculture, chair of ECO-PB.
Prof. Dr. M Finckh, Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, University of Kassel, Germany.
Dr. S Barot, IRD-Laboratoire Bioemco (UMR 7618), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France.